Tuesday 20 November 2012

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, most of my photos have just been going straight to Twitter (@RedAkhrin) without any edits.

I played Storm of Magic tonight, 2400 points (plus 600 of pacts and items) each. My Dark Elves took on High Elves who had brought Vampire Counts allies. Deployment saw me boxing up on my right flank where I had both of my Arcane Fulcrums. My opponent had his Fulcrums in opposite corners, so his deployment stretched in a line between them.

Since I’d kept my forces grouped up I was able to focus on parts of the enemy army as they got close, meaning I made short work of his left flank and was in a good position as the rest neared me. All of my success in clearing hostile Fulcrums came from shooting. My Boltthrower utterly flopped, failing to do anything all game, but the Dark Riders made up for it doing the majority of wounds against Fulcrums while my Shades and Crossbowmen helped finish them off.

Teclis was, as always, a major pain in the ass firing down countless fireballs onto my units and even obliterating one of my Sorceresses on a Fulcrum in turn one! However a solid volley of crossbow fire around turn 3 did the trick against him, the master of magic being torn apart by mundane crossbow bolts.

In the end I held 2 Arcane Fulcrums to my opponent’s 0, as well as having solid control of the battlefield resulting in a clean victory for the Druchii over the crown-stealing High Elves.

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