Thursday 8 August 2013

I was digging through my old models the other day and pulled out my old Death Guard army. I had this thing back during the 13th Black Crusade / Eye of Terror campaign that GW has since brushed under the rug, but I don’t think I’ve used this army in something like 8 years. So I did some quick repair work, and in less than 24 hours had them on the table for a 1750pt game.

It took a while to get the feel for the army again, and by the time I did that and some horrendous dice rolls had done too much damage to salvage the game, but I made it look close and had a surprisingly good time with them.

We also were helping test out some new mission formats intended for use in a tournament later this year. It was split into Primary (10 pts), Secondary (6 pts) and Tertiary (4 pts) goals. Primary were your standard things like objectives, first blood, etc. Secondary was purely kill points. Tertiary was based on the old controlling table quarters. It made for a good change as there were plenty of options there beyond the standard ones. I’d definitely want to try this format out again.

As for the army, part of me is tempted to strip off the paint and redo them all in proper Death Guard colours, which might look pretty retro with all those old clip-together Plague Marines I’ve got. But chances are I’ll end up sticking them on eBay instead to raise a bit more money for more Necrons. I love the Death Guard, but I’m not a huge fan of Nurgle, so if I do Death Guard it’s more likely to be a Heresy era project some time.

Then again, I could always keep a few of them to use as an allied detachment with my Necrons, kind of get the best of both worlds that way.

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